
Archive for the ‘Assignment 4’ Category

Assignment 4

Assignment 4: Color Coalition

The theme is youth. A rather vague and wide theme, don’t you think?

Anyway, I chose to deal with Youth Depression. 1 out of 4 youth suffer from depression by the time they reach 24! That’s an incredible statistic, isn’t it?



Color Coalition:

My idea is to create an empty-looking feel with the characters and letters all cramped into one corner such that one is able to feel the discomfort and emptiness, and hopefully some despair that people suffering from depression often feel.

A variety of colours were tried out but ultimately, the black with the red letterings still fits the concept best.

After tutorial:

They also feel that the black with the red fits best. Someone also commented that the other colours feel way too bright for something as dark as depression. I also learnt something about stereotypes. Why did it naturally occur to me to use a female figure? Hm. Food for thought! Also, aishah pointed out that when she first looked at the postcard she thought it had something to do with pregnancy/abortion because it was a female figure in the picture. Others also pointed out that the white letterings should also be cramped towards the right so that it fits more into my idea of cramping everything into one corner. Oh yeah, I know this is called FORM. Too bad my vocab is not very good, don’t really know how to put this word into my explaination. Oh Oh and someone said that 25% is not a very good figure, maybe 1 out of 4 is better.

Thus, collating all the above feedback, is my final product!

Another thing to add on, which is totally random, but I really liked Yuezhi’s and Tammy’s postcard designs.

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