
Archive for the ‘Assignment 1’ Category

Assignment 1b

Okay, this looks waaaaaaaaay better in .ai than in .jpg, and somehow when I uploaded it onto wordpress, it became this ugly. And of course, it actually looks best on print! 😀

This is my digitized version. Additions would be a window to signify that I am sleeping in the daytime, even when there is such nice weather outside.

Comments and critique were pretty positive, which made me quite happy. Ms Chiang suggested that I should remove some outlining. Other than that, someone also commented that it looks like a primary school textbook illustration. I am guessing that it is because of the thick outlining.

Because I am very used to drawing with outlines, I hadn’t thought about the outlining very much. This time I learnt something new too.

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Assignment 1a

These are the 4 ideas I came up with during lecture. And then I digitised them 😀 for better viewing This one is formed with Japanese characters シロじヨ, of course, with a bit of alteration. That’s because I love Japanese language. Out of the 4 sketches, this was the one which I thought represented myself the most, but I thought it was too simple and does not stand out enough. So I dropped the idea. This is the second sketch. I like doodling. So I made one out of doodles. But of course, it’s plain and boring and does not speak much about myself. Thus, it goes into the recycle bin. I hate crowds, especially the ones on the MRT. Thus the fourth sketch. This is super cool and unique but it’s waaaaay too complicated and I would have to break my neck finishing it.  To explain this sketch a little further, I was intending to let it be in greyscale, but with a select few heads in colour showing expressions of agony. These coloured heads would form the letter “J”, which is the initial of my name, Jocelyn. This is the one that I chose to develop into a rough – Sketch 3. I like to sleep. Highest record 13 hours. Therefore I integrated the alphabets J, O, C, and E into a bed. The lamp is a J, the pillow is the O, the blanket has a white end which forms the C, and the red end of the blanket would form an E. But I do worry if it would be hard to recognise… This would be the 2nd rough for the same sketch. Looking forward to hearing critique about my work during tutorial on Wednesday! 😀

After critique session:

At the start of the session, we had the whole class look at one board first and select a few for mass critique. When looking at one of my classmate’s work, the professor randomly picked to me to give my opinion, and so I did. It was a girl named Sarah’s work. To speak the truth, when I first entered the room and glanced through the pinned-up works, hers was the first one I noticed even though there was no colour on it, as compared to the many other very colourful ones on the board. I really liked it a lot. But when I was asked to give my opinion, I just spoke my mind and said that it might be better if she integrated her name into the monsters. Well, it was just my opinion, I didn’t say that it was not good or anything. But she kind of put up a defensive tone? Or maybe I misread her intentions. I don’t know. Anyway, I learnt quite a bit from this because I didn’t think of the meaning below the surface, which was that she wanted to express that she looks like one person but in her mind she is really another. I should learn to look at things in different viewpoints.

So anyway, for my design, our fellow tutorial mates said that they can’t really see the ‘O’. So they suggested that instead of just a pillow, why not put in a person sleeping in the bed, since the head would be round and it would be easier to see the ‘O’. Also, one of the commented that the bed looked like there is some ghost sleeping in it because of the way the blanket is placed. Therefore, by inserting a person in, it would be solving two problems! And so I did.

Shall upload a picture of my completed CG tomorrow as I just finished it this morning after 3 nights of burning the night oil D:

Critique session at 12pm! Looking forward to it, and hopefully I won’t make the same mistake as last Wednesday and piss people off again D;

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